Deportation and Removal

There is no more important time to have an immigration lawyer than when you are placed in deportation or removal proceedings. If you have a case pending in Immigration Court, the United States government will use all its resources to achieve one thing: to deport you. Immigration Courts are courts of civil law. That means there is no presumption of innocence and no right to free representation. Accordingly, you need an immigration lawyer who knows the law, understands the rules of the court, and most importantly, how to prove your case.


If you are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), then you will be placed on an expedited docket. Typically, you will be given a trial date, known as an individual hearing date, within 30 to 60 days of your first appearance with the Immigration Judge. Immigration Judges are under tremendous pressure to push detained cases along quickly; you will be given very little time to prepare. Time is a luxury that you simply to not have when in detention, and contacting an experienced immigration attorney early is critical. We at The Bogdany Law Firm have experience representing clients on detained dockets in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.


Your first priority when you are detained by ICE is to apply for and receive an immigration bond. An immigration bond is extremely helpful because it can provide additional time to gather evidence and fight your case.  You will generally only have one chance to request an immigration bond. Therefore, it is imperative to hire an immigration lawyer to represent you. The Bogdany Law Firm has  helped many clients across the country obtain immigration bonds.


The Immigration Courts are very different from criminal courts. There are no plea offers, no juries, and you are generally presumed to be deportable once you appear in Immigration Court. Unless you have an immigration lawyer that knows what defenses are available to you and what evidence will be required, the Immigration Court system will probably make short work of you. We at The Bogdany Law Firm know how to defend our clients from deportation and have done so for many across the country.

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